
My name is Tee. I’m a New Zealand-based lifestyle blogger, virtual assistant/consultant, mummy, and a coffee-and-chocolate enthusiast. (Seriously, I think our household eats more chocolate in December than other households eat the whole year. And coffee, umm, I’ve recently graduated from having it from an ordinary mug to a soup bowel – they simply don’t make big enough mugs).  

I live my passion helping business owners and entrepreneurs build their businesses, taking them where they want to be by playing a part in either managing their social media, email marketing or building/maintaining their website, or simply general admin. I’m satisfied when I can assist and help a person in any way – be it in business OR life in general.

I decided to create Tee Shares to share my experiences and any info I either come across or is shared to me and I think someone else might find helpful too, (you don’t know what you don’t know, right?). I also did this to grow my network and connect and engage with really amazing people as I believe the foundations of life are built on the people we meet and the experiences we encounter in our day-to-day life. Afterall, it is all about interaction and continually building each other, isn’t it?

I hope this site will be like a good friend to many and/or feel like that aunt who seems to have answers to things or interesting stories to share. I also hope what’s shared here you’ll find inspirational, motivating, authentic and simply interesting.

I will share some general lifestyle tips, mummy experiences/tips/advice (believe me, I did a lot of research on anything mummy/baby related pre- and post-pregnancy), cultural differences, and many other things. While I’ll do most of the sharing, I’d love to hear about (and from) you too – so please take a moment to drop me a comment. I believe everyone has a story to tell.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I’m glad you stopped by.

We can create, inspire and evolve TOGETHER!